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Application for Admission

Our Mission

RMCA seeks to glorify Jesus Christ by partnering with parents in shaping the minds and cultivating the hearts of students to go out and fulfill the Great Commission.

Our Vision

At RMCA, we want every student to be equipped with all the tools necessary to lead a life of significance and be a positive force in this world for the rest of their life.

Please check all that apply:

Applicant is:

Currently in Grade:
Applying for Grade:

General Student Information


Family Information



If either parent has remarried, please provide the following information for step-parents:

Applicant's Siblings

Family Church Information

Please check all that apply:

Medical Information

Does the applicant require any regular medications?
Is the applicant allergic to bee stings?

Student Profile

Schools Attended (including preschool)

Has the applicant ever been dismissed or suspended from a school?
Has the student ever received special help for reading or a learning difficulty?
Has the student ever repeated a grade?


Please list two persons (non-related) that know the student well.

To Parents/Guardians

Statement of Cooperation

Parents, please read and review the following information very carefully.

I accept the school’s mission to guide my child in the steps toward acceptance of salvation through Christ Jesus.

I agree with the school’s efforts to train my child in God’s Word. I accept that the BIBLE will be the only guide in developing a Christian lifestyle which will be an extension of the home.

I understand that my child or children will be encouraged to participate regularly in Bible study and prayer.

I understand the absolute necessity of home and school working together as a team with a common goal of spiritual growth and educational excellence.

I understand the importance of encouraging my child in all areas of academics and instruction.

I understand that RMCA has full discretion in the discipline of my child as described within the discipline policies of the RMCA Parent/Student Handbook.

I understand that the administration and/or school board has the right to dismiss any student whose academic performance or behavior does not meet the standards set by the RMCA Student/Parent Handbook.

I agree to support the uniform dress code of RMCA and I will ensure that my child is dressed according to dress code each day. I further understand that if my child is out of compliance with dress code, that I will be expected to bring appropriate dress to school upon notification of non-compliance. I also understand that repeated uniform non-compliance will result in dismissal from RMCA.

I agree to participate in as many Parent-Teacher Fellowship activities as possible. I understand the necessity of supporting fundraisers and offering practical help and resources to the school.

In making application, I intend to have my child complete the school year. I agree to pay the tuition according to the school’s policy and to conclude all required payments on time or before the last day of school. I further

understand that non-payment of tuition may result in the dismissal of my child.

RMCA does not discriminate against children with special learning needs; however, the school is limited with special help resources. The school may not be able to address the needs of special education students. I understand that if my child is identified as having special needs, it will be my responsibility to secure the additional help needed.

I understand that should I decide to withdraw my child from RMCA, my child will no longer be allowed to participate in any extra-curricular activities, including athletic teams, from the date of withdrawal forward. (There are some exceptions for students leaving RMCA to home school and would still like to participate on athletics teams. These exceptions are determined upon the discretion of administration and the athletic director.)

We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Gen 1:26-27.) Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.

We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. (Gen 2:18-25.) We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (1 Cor 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb 13:4.)

We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.

My signature indicates that I have read, accepted and will agree to support each statement of the Statement of Cooperation as noted above.

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